Empowering Catholic

Dioceses and Changing Lives

The catholic church is the second largest service ​provider in East Africa. The Solar Pledge East ​Africa is establishing a transnational support ​platform focused on solar and renewable energy.

Dioceses Face

Challenges In

Understanding the full potential of renewable energy

Keeping up with the rapid developments of the sector

Analyzing their own energy needs

Planning energy interventions comprehensively

Utilizing blended financial mechanisms

Keeping up with the rapid developments of the sector

Ensuring long term operation & maintenance of energy systems

The Solar Pledge

East Africa

builds capacity

of dioceses to







and solar

energy soltions

Renewable energy

is crucial in achieving the Laudato Si and

the SDGs.

Many energy & solar projects lack sustainability. The reasons are diverse and complex

Also the solutions are diverse. There is no one size fits all approach.




60 % of health facilities in Sub-Saharan Africa don’t have access to reliable energy services.


Catholic dioceses run more than 750 health and 12,000 educational facilities in Uganda and Kenya.


Until 2030 the Solar Pledge will …

Establish 15 new energy officers at dioceses.

Supervise the creation of 15 renewable energy and O&M strategies (operations & maintenance)

Subsidize the installation of 50 new solar systems.

Support the repair and upscaling of 250 existing solar systems.

Improve basic services for countless people.


The Solar Pledge East Africa program encompasses three key areas of activities:

Raising awareness on climate action and the energy/development nexus,

Building capacity for dioceses in renewable

energy planning

Providing direct support for solar system repair, upscaling, and installation.

Through these strategic initiatives, partnerships with diverse actors from various sectors, and crossborder collaboration between dioceses in Uganda and Kenya, the program creates a powerful platform that connects dioceses to national and international stakeholders, fostering collaboration, knowledge exchange, and impactful change. Together, we can enhance the well-being of communities and create a sustainable future for East Africa.

Partners: Donors, Private Sector, Academia, Government, Banks


Filling a gap

The program addresses the energy planning needs of Catholic dioceses in East Africa, an area where tailored programs are limited.

Established partnerships

horizont3000 has a strong track record of collaboration with the Catholic Church, ensuring effective implementation.

Impact on services

The program enhances service delivery in diocese-run schools and health facilities, benefiting communities.

Global goals and alignment

The program contributes to the SDGs and aligns with Laudato Si.

Sustainable solutions

The program tackles long-term sustainability challenges in renewable energy projects.

Data-driven approach

The program utilizes comprehensive tools for energy needs analysis, enabling better planning and interventions.

Local capacity and ownership

The program strengthens dioceses' capacity to make informed decisions and implement tailored solutions.

Leveraging partnerships

The program facilitates collaboration among dioceses, scientific institutions and private sectors.


Solar Pledge East Africa:


Some Solar Pledge East Africa Voices:


Our Partner Network


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to learn more about partnerships

and opportunities.

horizont3000 is one of the main implementers of the Austrian Development Cooperation with more than 170 projects a year in Africa and Latin America.

More info: horizont3000.org